Part 2: The Highs & Lows of January Photo by freestocks on Unsplash Read More blogs, emotional wellbeing, healing, health, health plan, holistic health, meditation, new year, qi gong, retreat, seasonal influences, workshopsSophie ShandJanuary 28, 2025winter, holistic health, holistic health coach, shilajit, seamoss, liver support, hydration, selfcare, event, qigong, yoga, lecithin, water element, traditional chinese medicine, january blues
Holistic Retreat: Half-Day Wellness Escape retreat, holistic health, mindfulness, nutritionSophie ShandAugust 12, 2024halfday retreat, half-day retreat, retreat, holistic health, healthy goals, yoga, qigong, qi gong, wellness, #wellness, nourish mind and body, mindfulness, nutrition, #handpickedhotels, #fermainvallleyhotel, #retreat
Harness the upcoming Spring energies! Photo by Patti Black on Unsplash Read More holistic health, spring equinox, seasonal influences, workshopsSophie ShandMarch 8, 2024spring equinox, #springequinox, #spring, detoxtime, health, seasonal cycles, seasonal change, seasonal shift, wellbeing, #wellness, health coach, holistic health, workshops, yoga, guided visualisation
Finding your breath with Paul and Sophie autumn equinoxSophie ShandOctober 2, 2023workshops, circles, women's circle, #womenshealth, mens health, natures cycles, autumn equinox, yoga, seasonal change, seasonal cycles, seasonal shift, lymph, lymphatic system, conscious breathing, breath work
5 reasons why you should practice yoga Sophie ShandAugust 31, 2019yoga, movement, health, balance, breath, #nutritionaltherapist, nutrition, diet, wellness, #perimenopause, menopause, hormones