Harness the upcoming Spring energies!

As we approach the Spring Equinox on 20th March our bodies are gearing up for this energetic shift from the beginning of the month.

 You may already be seeing the signs!  Snuffles, flu, ear infections,  skin irritations..

This is all a sign of movement.  
Movement out of the stagnation of Winter into the energy of Spring.  If you're lucky you may feel fine.  It's all dependent on the toxic load you're carrying which is affected by stress, diet, lifestyle..any 'baggage' we are carrying and stirred up by seasonal change.

 Perhaps you feel nothing physical but your energy and mood is low or you're feeling more anxious and not sleeping well.  We are each unique yet similar if you get my drift.  And our toxic load can sit on the mental/emotional level or on the physical or in both.

 And so I invite you to take a moment to become aware about how you feel with the emergence of Spring.  Does it fill you with relief that the days will be lighter and the temperature higher or does it fill you with dread that you'll feel obliged to be more energetic and get more done? 

 This in-between phase is tricky.  We're seeing glimpses of Spring but we're not there yet.  How can you be kind to yourself in this phase whilst gently and tenderly awakening to it?


Spring isn't Summer and even in Summer the weather can be unpredictable in these northern climes.  We're not assured completely warm or dry weather and in Spring, for sure we are not.


So I invite you to find time in the days and weeks leading up to Spring to allow yourself to adjust to the heightening energies, perhaps feeling more pushed to be active.  Don't let your inner critic bully you though.  That inner chatter can be super strong and super tyrannical and as the author Alexandra Pope says, it has no manners, no manners at all.  So be boundaried with it.  Instead take a moment to consider how you want your Spring to be and create a series of small daily steps maybe one at a time.

 Let the energy of Spring be a preparation, a planning, a continuation or introduction of healthful practices particularly outside (if weather permits)

Consider practical approaches that will help your body detox more readily.  

Being well hydrated

Keeping bowel open with swollen grains such as short-grain brown rice and plenty of veg

Add sea-moss gel to moisturise bowel 

Reduce or avoid caffeine and other stimulants and depressants such as coffee and alcohol

Rest well
Exercise, hot & cold techniques, dry skin-brushing, juicing

Etc.  I'm sure you're well-versed on what will help you but if you're struggling call me.


The most important thing physically is that the routes of elimination are open, that is bowel, lungs, skin and kidneys ie; working well and liver is supported.  That is the way toxicity or acidity if you prefer that term, gets out which means you avoid dumping toxicity on your skin, in your joints or suppress it more deeply leading to hormone disruption and mental/emotional imbalance. (this is a very simplified description of dis-ease but I hope it helps).

It's also why I don't advocate lots of supplements.  Less is more right now because of the stirring energies.  You need your routes of elimination working well to clear your gunk then you can add in some supplements to enhance your nourishment aspect.  Food supplements are different for eg; sea-moss, greens powders, lecithin, oils to vitamin and mineral supplements which are more aggressive by the way.

Important note. Please do get in touch if you'd like to get to the bottom of chronic health issues such as menstrual irregularities and troublesome peri-menopausal symptoms or allergies or lack of sex drive, apathy, aches and pains, emotional eating and so on.


Ok my darlings, I will write again soon as we slough off the rainiest greyest winter ever here in the UK and step somewhat hopefully into the lightness and brightness of Spring-time.


OOOh but before I go, a reminder that my fabulous yoga teacher Jane and I are hosting a workshop circle on 24th March to fully immerse into and integrate this Spring energy for initiating new ideas and projects (could be your own wellness journey) enabling you to fully embrace and experience the abundance of Summer.

We have a few tickets left.  Book here.

Much love

Sophie xox