Balance Weight Balance You Photo by Juan Jose on Unsplash Read More emotional eating, weight balance, weight lossSophie ShandOctober 8, 2023healthy weight, holistic health, healthy goals, health plan, weight loss packages, selfcare, selflove, nutrition coaching, emotional eating, emotional healing, mindset change, mindful eating
Summer is coming! Use my 3-pronged approach for weight balance Sophie ShandMay 21, 2021nutritional therapist, nutritionist, nutritional therapy, nutrition packages, nutrition coaching, #nutritionaltherapist, diet, #diet, dietary health, emotional eating, emotions, emotional intelligence, emotional courage, emotional trauma, emotional health, emotional resilience, emotional healing, empowerment, mindset change, mindful eating, mindfulness, healthy mindset
How weak or extreme boundaries can affect your health Sophie ShandApril 15, 2021holistic health, holistic balance, holistic healing, holistic coach, healthy boundaries, people pleasing, emotional intelligence, emotional resilience, emotional trauma, emotional courage, nutritionist, nutrition coaching, nutritional therapist, nutrition packages, healthy goals, healthy habits, selfcare, selflove, selfsabotage, tiredness, drained, guided visualisation, mindfulness, mindset change, mindful eating
The menopause is not sent to make you feel bad.. Sophie ShandApril 30, 2020menopause, #menopause, perimenopause, #perimenopause, selfcare, selflove, hot flushes, poor sleep, night sweats, mood swings, irregular menstrual cycle, nutrition, nutrition packages, nutritional therapist, #diet, diet, health goals, healthy approach, holistic health, lifestyle, healthy lifestyle, emotions, emotional health, emotional healing, emotional eating, inner child, inner coach, inner work, mindful eating, healthy mindset, supplements, vitamins and minerals
Why is self-love so difficult but essential for health Sophie ShandFebruary 17, 2020selflove, selfcare, selfsabotage, positive selftalk, support, reassurance, wisdom, inner child, inner work, inner coach, inner critic, personal development, personal growth, great health, emotional health, emotions, emotional healing, healthy mindset, healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, healthy approach, health goals, nutritional therapy, guernsey, nutritional therapist, #nutrition, #nutritionaltherapist, naturopathy, mindfulness, mindful eating, wise woman, empowerment
How to manage food cravings and self-sabotage Sophie ShandJanuary 21, 2020foodc, selfsabotage, selfcare, selflove, positive selftalk, wellbeing, wellness, healthy eating, healthy, holistic health, meal planning, healthy weight, weight problems, colds, allergies, outbreaks, judgemental thoughts, health goals, 2020, new year, planning, routine, mindfulness, mindful eating, clean eating, cycles, seasonal cycles, moon cycles, blood group diet, diet, nutritional therapist, nutritional therapy