How weak or extreme boundaries can affect your health

Have your boundaries been severely tested recently or are you not sure you've even got any?
I'm writing about this because our behaviour can affect our physical health and when it comes to boundaries, too much or too little, we can feel very drained.

I can't believe there was a time when I wasn't even aware of them. I used to sit in the category of weak or no boundaries, also known as people pleasing. I wouldn't notice the knot in the pit of my stomach or the constant urge to snack, trying to satisfy this empty feeling because I'd given away my power again or such overwhelming tiredness like I was a balloon that had just been popped, lifeless, demotivated, apathetic about life and I wouldn't know why.

We can also be too boundaried and prevent ourselves getting the support we need.

Which category do you sit in?

Since I've done the work and continue to do the work to heal my past and fiercely love myself, it's so much easier to recognise when my boundaries are flaky. When I'm saying yes instead of No.

Often our health issues such as fatigue are more than poor diet or lifestyle habits. We're actually mentally and emotionally drained and this is often why we can't get a handle on the chocolate or pigging out on the biscuits.

I get this. We crave them to feel better and for a short moment, they might just do that but it's a slippery slope. You'll never feel great once the initial sugar rush has gone.
None of this is your fault but knowing where your habits stem from can make the difference between feeling run down and tired or feeling energised with glowing skin and balanced weight for eg.

I help you get to the root of your patterns which is a total game-changer when we want to create healthy habits long-term

Maybe you've learned to put your needs at the bottom of your to-do list.
Maybe you keep helping your neighbour out or letting your boss give you more work than your other colleagues because he or she knows you won't say no.
Maybe you refuse help because you've built a steel wall around you to protect yourself so you don't appear needy and vulnerable.
All of this comes from our reaction to past childhood experiences.

Does this resonate with you?
Would you like to do a deep dive and get to know yourself more fully? Peel off those layers from the past that cause you to act in certain ways and drain you.

You'll find the process of changing your physical habits so much easier and the process is super simple I promise.

So what happens when we work together?

1. We address your past, anything unresolved that sits like a ticking time-bomb draining your energy. It could be unexpressed grief from the loss of a loved one or it could be having unmet needs from childhood such as not feeling heard or feeling safe which causes you to deny your own needs and be a people pleaser instead, to get your needs met this way. The trouble is, people let you down causing you to keep repeating the pattern of low self-worth, of not feeling good enough for eg.

Identifying and giving yourself what you need puts you in receptive mode to also get your needs met in other ways- it's a win-win!

[In-session process:

Take some deep breaths and root your body into the ground with guided visualisation helping you to feel into your body ( where there is sensation) allowing images, colours and textures to appear which will inform you and with my guidance ( asking a series of questions) help you to release anything not serving you whilst bringing in what does.
This is a safe and confidential space for you to explore your thoughts and emotions, to feel the peace that comes from connecting with yourself in this loving, non-judgemental way and to give you the wherewithal to feel ok about everything that has happened so far in your life and to know you have the tools to create a beautiful life going forward because you've released the past which is no longer holding you back.]

2. We put tried and tested tools and techniques in place to change the way you think and feel about yourself or your life, for eg; keeping a health journal, healthy habit-stacking or soothing your inner child.

3. And I help you understand what is going on in your body physically, what your symptoms mean, which organs are out of balance and what you can do holistically and naturopathically to restore balance to feel healthy and happy again.

Ready? Book a call with me and let's talk about what you need to create an amazing, fantastic life, free of the burdens of the past and living your life as your authentic self.

Big hug
Sophie xox