Posts tagged night sweats
Understanding your menopause
Sophie Shandhormonal change, hormones, hormonal health, perimenopause, #perimenopause, menopause, #menopause, #womenshealth, hot flushes, hot flashes, night sweats, emotional health
The menopause is not sent to make you feel bad..
Sophie Shandmenopause, #menopause, perimenopause, #perimenopause, selfcare, selflove, hot flushes, poor sleep, night sweats, mood swings, irregular menstrual cycle, nutrition, nutrition packages, nutritional therapist, #diet, diet, health goals, healthy approach, holistic health, lifestyle, healthy lifestyle, emotions, emotional health, emotional healing, emotional eating, inner child, inner coach, inner work, mindful eating, healthy mindset, supplements, vitamins and minerals