Understanding your menopause
Sophie Shandhormonal change, hormones, hormonal health, perimenopause, #perimenopause, menopause, #menopause, #womenshealth, hot flushes, hot flashes, night sweats, emotional health
We're in the biggest shake-up ever! Are you feeling it?
Sophie Shanduniversal cycles, universal rhythms, universal influences, moon cycles, fullmoon, eclipses, solar flares, schumann resonance, detox, detoxtime, rebalance, reset, diet, nutrition, nutritional therapy, nutritional therapist, #nutritionaltherapist, #nutrition, photon belt, age of aquarius, astrology, health coach, migraine, achy joints, headaches, hot flushes, menopause, perimenopause, planetary resonance
The menopause is not sent to make you feel bad..
Sophie Shandmenopause, #menopause, perimenopause, #perimenopause, selfcare, selflove, hot flushes, poor sleep, night sweats, mood swings, irregular menstrual cycle, nutrition, nutrition packages, nutritional therapist, #diet, diet, health goals, healthy approach, holistic health, lifestyle, healthy lifestyle, emotions, emotional health, emotional healing, emotional eating, inner child, inner coach, inner work, mindful eating, healthy mindset, supplements, vitamins and minerals
Menopause is not all doom and gloom...discover the gift within it
Sophie Shandmenopause, #perimenopause, stress, holistic health, diet, selfcare, selflove, lifestyle, emotions, emotional healing, balance, healthy gut, healthy weight, radiant skin, hot flushes, anxiety, tiredness, nutrition, nutritional therapist