My top ten tips to make the best of the Equinox: Feel your best this Autumn & Winter
Sophie Shand#nutrition, #nutritionaltherapist, energy, #naturopathic, autumnequinox, winter, detox, rebalance, juicing, wellness
5 reasons why you should practice yoga
Sophie Shandyoga, movement, health, balance, breath, #nutritionaltherapist, nutrition, diet, wellness, #perimenopause, menopause, hormones
What are the stories you're telling yourself - stop beating yourself up and start loving you
Sophie Shandemotion, nut, energy, wellness, li, wom, emotional healing, balnace, selflove, migraine, headaches
My double ice-cream day! What your cravings are really telling you...
When you need to dig deep...
Sophie Shand#nutrition, #bowelhealth, #diet, #wellness, #guthealth, #womenshealth, #perimenopause, #menopause, #nutritionaltherapist, #naturopathic
How to get back on track when you've fallen off the wagon
Take charge of your peri-Menopause & Menopause
"Liver Rescue"
My commitment to you: I won't ask you to do anything I won't do
You are not alone. I fail too.
The Art of Self-Care - What I Have Learned So Far
How to survive the Spring Equinox (20/21 Mar) next time around
Explaining my kind of Nutritional therapy
Can you take too many supplements?