How to survive the Spring Equinox (20/21 Mar) next time around


1.  Start cleansing your diet 3 wks before. Take out the gluten and dairy, introduce more alkalising vegetables and fruit and add more short grain brown rice, quinoa and other gluten-free swollen grains to your diet to assist bowel function plus soaked linseeds of course.

2. Cut out or cut down the 'drugs' - tea, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, coke and cigs.

3. Increase your water intake, about 4-6pts (2-3L) a day, never more than 2 pts in 1 hr.

4. Start juicing fresh vegetables and some fruits.

5. Start skin brushing 2x a wk to stimulate the lymphatics to clear gunk.  Hot and cold showers too or even sea swimming!!

6.  If you do enemas, water and coffee ones can be very helpful to aid detoxification and elimination.

7. Start exercising if you haven't already.

8. Get a good night's sleep.

9. Bit of self -love and self-care.  Book in a massage or buy some quality essential oils and give your feet a good rub while watching TV.

10. Early morning, mid-day or bedtime 10 min meditation.  Headspace is good.

When the Equinox arrives, pay attention around you.  Are you feeling run down?  Do your children or other loved ones have colds, sore throats or a temperature?  This could be a sign that they are having an acute cleanse, necessary to clear the path for revitalising new Spring energy, ready for the Summer too.  Use it as an opportunity to cleanse by following the steps above and above all be kind to yourself.  If the Equinox is close to a Full moon, it will enhance it's effects still further. 

Try copying and pasting this information into your diary for the beginning of September ready for the Autumn Equinox too and for the beginning of March next year.  Using Seasonal events to our advantage like this means we are one step ahead and will improve our vitality for the Spring and Summer or for the Autumn and Winter

All the best for now

Sophie xx

Sophie Shand