The beginning of the end + The Winter Solstice

It's the Winter Solstice today, a powerfully cleansing time of the year.  No wonder there's so much illness about as we've led up to it.  Have you noticed?

In holistic medicine we see the presence of viruses, fungi and bacteria not as a negative but as a sign of internal imbalance and a need to correct that imbalance. So don't worry.  Your body knows how to fix itself, it's just the way we go about it and often our desire to fix it as quickly as possible without understanding the reason why it's shown up in the first place.

Viruses etc. are opportunistic.  If the internal conditions are right, they will seize upon them so if you want to be free of them, you must take the steps to restore balance.  That means withdraw, do less, eat healthier, hydrate fully and engage in calming self-loving practices such as breath-work, meditation and if you're well enough, fresh air etc.  

Chastising yourself, your body or worrying are not helpful.  When those thoughts occur, just let go.  Let go of all negative thoughts about it, the parties you're missing out on, the to-do list..let it all go and give yourself a break.  You'll recover quicker that way and if you don't and it seems to drag on, you may need to listen in a bit more to get a sense of what your body needs.  Sometimes it's just not possible to get more sleep or put away that to-do list and you must soldier on. You may get away with it just but make sure you find time sooner or later to give yourself what you need otherwise you will be forced to.

A bit of self-love goes a long way 

Have you read Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton?  Your cells hear you.  They are affected by the thoughts you think.  That doesn't mean you have to have perfect thoughts. Not at all.  That would be fake but it's the way you handle them.  

Do you hold onto them or are you able to notice them without reacting.  Are you able to say, 'hey, that wasn't a very kind thought, what's a kinder thought?'  That way you can destress and return to harmony more readily.

The same with negative feelings.  Can you allow yourself to feel that intense anger or jealousy or fear without judging it?  Without criticising yourself for having them, again simply noticing them.  'I notice I feel really angry when I think about that.  It's obviously triggering something from my past that felt really bad. How can I take care of myself in this moment?  Can I reach out to my inner child and give him or her a hug?'  Or focus on your breath.  Let the feeling pass through you and according to research, it only lasts 17 secs unless you keep remembering it.  Check out Dr Joe Dispenza too on youtube for his amazing work with the mind and healing the body.

So the winter solstice is a seasonal shift and seasonal shifts create vibratory movement within our cells.  They cause internal and outward shifts and these can be really uncomfortable depending on what we're carrying and how much.

So I'd encourage you to use this time not to chastise your body or curse your bad luck if you're unwell.  It's ok, you will get better, your body is just doing a bit of re-balance.  It's a clearing out as we move deeper into the colder months.  Of course if you're self-care is poor such as eating poorly or prioritising others needs over your own then you will need to address that.

The Winter Solstice marks the start of winter.  Don't let that depress you as after today, it gets a bit lighter each and every day so whilst it may yet get colder, there will be more light, not a lot but some.

We can get so low in Vitamin D around this time because of the lack of light and because of our time spent indoors keeping warm.  Watch that.  See if you can wrap up warm and still get outside or as I do, turn your face towards even the smallest glimpse of sunshine without any sunscreen on.  Enjoy it!

Our vitamin D levels are also affected by our liver function since our liver stores it for us so this really is the time of year to support it as much as we can.  

Try this..Make sure you're well hydrated at all times with cups of warm water, limit processed foods (especially gluten), have lots of fresh vegetables in soups/broths/stews etc.  Add extra moisture with soaked linseeds, sea-moss gel and short grain brown rice so that you minimise the damaging effects of all those delicious drinks and festive treats.

Fresh vegetable juice, ginger, lemon, manuka honey and other delights can be a good idea but sometimes irritate achy joints for eg.  Get in touch for a personal protocol.  I made Anthony Williams aka 'medical medium,' cranberry water the other day to boost my vitamin C levels.  There is lots of choice just make sure you are matching detoxification (toxins coming out of your cells) with toxins leaving your body (via bowel, lungs, kidneys and skin).

We are drinking more alcohol and consuming more rich food at exactly the time of the year when the winter solstice would prefer us to cleanse so there will be consequences. Hey ho, it is what it is.  But I tell you this not to make you feel bad but to invite you to be gentle on yourself when things go pear-shaped health-wise. Do your best.  Don't beat yourself up if you don't and accept that this is a tricky time of year to stay balanced.

The beginning of the end

I've taken a few moments this December to consider how this year has been, what practices/rituals I want to take with me and what habits I don't.  What do I want more of, what do I want less of?  Allow yourself to do this.  So often we let our internal critic stop us from creating dreams in our minds - 'that's for kids, grow up' I hear it say but it's wrong.  

is a powerful, joyful process that is your birthright.  It doesn't mean everything is going to come true.  The trick is to do it anyway, feel into it, enjoy it and trust that everything will work out.  Everything will be ok.  It doesn't mean you'll have the perfect life and that obstacles won't be a thing.  Sh*t happens!  We know that if we've been living on earth long enough but do it anyway.  Go on I dare you;)  

What do you want?  What do you really want?  How do you want to feel?  Who do you want in your life?  Keep going till you can't think of anything else then put those thoughts away and get on with your day.

Big hug and a very Merry, warm and healthy Christmas

Sophie xox

p.s. I'm taking bookings for January if 2023 is your year to start prioritising your health, wellbeing and joy.  Click here to find out more and click here to read my clients success stories if you're not sure.