What we can learn from the Winter Solstice and Advent..

As we approach Christmas, Natures rhythms are detoxifying us en-route to the Winter solstice  (21 Dec) and our social life is doing the opposite, for most of us.

It's just the way natures cycles work.  We are energetic/electrical/vibratory beings in essence and the solstices, equinoxes and full/new moons are energetic shifts.  That's how they work and it's terribly inconvenient when Christmas is coming and we want to celebrate with delicious food and wine.

But if we don’t listen, if we don’t turn inwards, if we don’t quieten somewhat in preparation we may struggle in the next few months.  

In Christianity, Advent happens to mirror the natural laws.  in the 4 weeks leading up to Christmas, Christians engage in fasting, penance and prayer in preparation for the 'coming' of Jesus.  You don't have to be Christian to note the helpfulness of these practices.
Indeed, this is a helpful and sensible attitude as we fully receive the year as it ends and begin a new one.  
Fasting can be helpful to reduce toxins, optimising our health and energy levels restoring physical and emotional balance and therefore our Spiritual nature with the qualities of hope, peace, joy and love.  Penance can also be known as reflection and helps us to make sense of our lives up to the present moment, avoid repeating unhelpful patterns and adopt new healthy practices which help us going forward and prayer gives up our vision to something greater than ourselves whether you want to call it God or the universe.

You see, yes the light will return after the 21st December and that is welcomed but only in tiny increments until the lightest point on 21 June.  For the next few months we must navigate the coldest and bleakest time of the year. Like plants, we are in essence mini solar-powered batteries.  We derive two-thirds of our energy from sunlight and the chlorophyll in our vegetables is known as 'trapped sunlight.'

We have an opportunity here to be wise, to be disciplined, to not have all the chocolate cake or all the champagne.

We can take some big inhales and gentle exhales and turn inwards to calm the part of us that desires excess.

It's hard I know.  I really get it.  I can easily get addicted to chocolate myself but the benefit of limiting it is being less hot at night, better sleep, more energy and a clearer head!

Your body will thank you. Your heart and mind will thank you. Your Soul will thank you and you may find this time and the rest of winter that bit easier to navigate or even embrace.

It's no coincidence there's so much flu straight after the new year.  It's what I call an enforced detox.  The presence of a virus as well is just its opportunism.  It's a 'perfect storm' event - exactly the right conditions are prevailing and it takes its opportunity.  After all, the common cold and flu virus is sitting dormant inside our cells at any one time.  It needs lack of light, low ph, low oxygen and low temp and 'Bob's your uncle!'

You don't need to be perfect I promise just wise:)  This doesn't mean beat yourself up if you get ill.  There are many different reasons for illness and self-compassion and self-kindness are a must always.

Reflection and visioning


I really encourage you to take a moment to reflect on the year so that you can drop what doesn't serve you, take what you want to take into the next year and vision anew.  Here are some suggestions to help you.


1.  Reflect on the past year.  Use photos, journal entries and even bank statements.  You will be absolutely amazed at the things you've forgotten - the highs and lows, the travels, the achievements, the struggles.


2.  Consider what went well and your challenges.

3.  Then vision into how you want to feel in 2024.  Some areas you could look at could be what Bill Burnett and Dave Evans call our life compass -

or more simply -
Family and Friends
Personal Development/Spirituality
Free time


You could even choose a word for the year as suggested by Katie Phillips at The School of Self-Love.  It could be magnetic, discipline, fun, abundance, love, health...whatever comes to mind that you would like more of or to focus on.


Start Now

Finally, don't wait till the New Year if you want things to be different, start now, just tiny steps, maybe just one tincy wincy step right now to build momentum ahead of the new year.

I decided not to wait any longer to invest in weekly cranio osteopathy with the marvellous Clare Pettitt at chiro and cranio up at the Western community centre at Styx (for those who live in Guernsey).  I've also added another block of move and connect PT sessions with the fabulous Luisa a@newmoonfitness.  Will I do this forever? No.  Will I gain momentum with this investment and be helping myself long-term?  Yes.
Can we fix everything that's wrong with ourselves and our lives?  I'd love to say yes but I'd be lying.  We've got to reach out sometimes.  We've got to get support and that's what I'm doing.  What about you?  

What are you going to do to support you?  Perhaps it's deciding to engage the services of a cleaner or book a longed for silent retreat.  If it's in the area of health, then do consider my 121 sessions which address your mind, your emotions and your physical health.
You can find out more here or send me an email over the holidays and I'd be delighted to help.  Check out all my offerings and read all the success stories to inspire you.

Sending you my heartfelt best wishes over this Christmas season, health, happiness and prosperity and a magical 2024 ahead.

Much love

Sophie xox