Why you need to put the Spring Equinox in your diary

How are you doing?

 I just wanted to give you a heads up if you’re feeling under the weather with anything viral, bacterial or if you’re feeling headachey, tired or have itchy skin. 

 The Spring Equinox arrives on Friday 20th which marks the changeover from Winter into Spring and can really stir us up. 

 It’s a good thing to launch us into Spring but requires a huge gearing up with the energetic shift this changeover represents. 

 Probably not what you want to hear with all that’s going on but might explain why you’re having a few symptoms. 

 It just means a need to clear our toxic load ready for the new Spring and Summer energy. 

 If you can employ simple tactics like good hydration with water-drinking, lots of vegetables, some fruit and swollen dishes such as stirfries, stews etc., you’ll find it easier to get through. 

 This strange time which is forcing us to slow down or certainly not travel, might be a great time to focus on YOU and your wellbeing. 

If you’d like some personal advice on how to navigate this time, schedule a call here. 

 I recommend lots of self-love, gentleness and kindness both towards yourself and others too. 

 Sending you lots of love and positive Spring vibes. 

 At least the Sun has been shining the last couple of days to give us a boost. 

 Big hug

 Sophie xx