We all know what we should be eating so why aren't we?

By now you've probably gathered I'm not your 'run of the mill' Nutritionist.  From relationships to family and work issues, I write about everything that might be impacting your health. 

Diet and lifestyle is just one part of the jigsaw that makes up our life so it makes sense to explore all of it not just one bit.

The thing is we all know what we should be eating so why aren't we?

Well the answer is simple.  

The way we live our lives, in other words, the choices we make, are based on what we think and how we feel and these come from our past experiences and family history, some of which are positive and others less so.

Unless we take time to look at our past and address our thoughts and feelings now, with the best will in the world, we ain't gonna get where we want to get to.

So where do you want to get to by the way?

Do you want to lose weight?  
Do you want a smoother menopause?  
Do you want to feel happy, healthy and energised?  

Maybe you want all of those things and you absolutely can have them I promise.  

But you have to make a decision TODAY that you want this.  You want the good feeling, the energy, the weight-loss, the confidence etc..

And then you need to make a plan.  

How long will you give yourself to reach these goals?
(Hint - we never give ourselves enough time!!)

Usually our obstacles have been around a long, long time so be realistic.

Give yourself a few months, maybe a year, maybe even 2 years.  Why not!  

When you're serious, determined and focused, you're not going to unlearn what you uncover and discover on this journey for eg; the way you self-sabotage every day around 3pm when you pick the kids up from school or 5pm when you come home from work and what you can do about it.

If you avoid those quick fix, 'get rich or lose weight or get fit' schemes, you can discover a wealth of information about yourself and the kinds of tools and techniques which work for you to create sustainable long-term change.

And this is coming from yours truly who up until recently battled a life-long sugar/chocolate addiction.  

Yes, I may be a Nutritional Therapist but I have (or had) my demons too!!  

Hopefully, with the right support, it won't take you as long as it took me to find the ideal strategies to cope with my cravings and embrace my dream life.

And of course if you work with me, you'll know in 30 yrs I've refined my knowledge and experience to such an extent that absolutely no stone is left unturned and no matter how long you have suffered or continue to suffer, you do not need to suffer anymore.  

I have the solutions.  

Work with me and let's get you feeling happy, inspired and motivated to look and feel amazing


p.s.  Whatever you're suffering from, the journey back to great health never takes as long as it took to get there.  

p.p.s.  Just as with our beautiful planet, when we create reforestation programs or fishing conservation, the ability to recover is remarkably quick.  
Let's do this for ourselves too.

p.p.p.s.  You deserve a rich, rewarding, loving, healthful, successful life and you can have all of it when you put the right attention towards it.  
It won't happen overnight but who wants that anyway.  We don't learn that way.  

We learn through journey and experience, through a gradual step by step process how to love ourselves and care for ourselves without judgement and using strategies and tools that work for us on a daily, consistent basis that bring us success FOR THE REST OR OUR LIVES.

Get in touch here if you're interested to know more.

“I feel like I’m doing really well with both my eating habits and self compassion. I’m still drinking +2l of water a day, managing to avoid mindless binge eating and being kind and curious about the times I find myself turning to the chocolate biscuits etc. I feel 100% more confident in my own skin, which is such a lovely and empowering feeling!”