Vision boarding: A new way to dream your goals into being
As we enter our 3rd week of lockdown ( in Guernsey), how are you feeling?
Different emotions from one moment to the next?
Maybe you feel anxious and uncertain or you've lost your mojo and are quite hopeless and down as the pandemic appears unceasing and the year's plans are put on hold or discarded?
I hear you. I've struggled to get back into the swing of things with the start of a new year and all the potential it would ordinarily bring plus getting back on track eating wise after an indulgent Christmas.
But I choose to see this slow-down (lockdown) as an invitation to get quiet and hear the inner prompts (live in flow) which ultimately enables me to live a life of joy and peace whether that's cleaning up, writing a blog or walking on the cliffs.
The only problem is, I have another voice which is much louder at times pressurising me - why aren't you working on your business? Why aren't you outside getting your daily quota of Vitamin D, why haven't you exercised today...It's exhausting isn't it! ( I know I'm not the only one).
Luckily, I reached a turning point last week with the help of a friend who reminded me that my ability to help others comes from the time I take out to work on myself and even though I've got this voice nagging me to be more productive, if I can't get into that mode then I must follow my heart and that day with no clients was the day to do just that.
What I should be doing and what I feel like doing are 2 completely different things. The first is based on past experiences and limiting beliefs and the other is going with my gut
Which brings me to the amazing activity I want to share with you that I wanted to complete that day and which I believe will inspire you and motivate you to keep dreaming despite everything and that is VISION BOARDING.
Scroll down to the images and see what I got up to.
Vision boarding engages your visual, intuitive and creative senses AND most of all gives you permission to DREAM
Too often the world teaches us 'to keep it real, get your head out of the clouds, stop day-dreaming' but without our dreams who would we be and quite frankly, what's the point of being here if it isn't about dreaming big and manifesting the "glory of God within you" (Marianne Williamson - read her inspiring poem here) or letting "our light shine" (also in the poem, if you prefer a non-religious connotation).
So to that end, I invite you to dream and dream big. It doesn't matter if you can't bring it or them to fruition right now. When they come to fruition isn't actually in your control but dreaming is. And once you have dreamt, TRUST and TRULY BELIEVE then let your intuition guide you step by step towards them. No effort required! If you're efforting, you're out of sync.
Why do this? Because when you want your life on track, when you want to look and feel great, when you want a loving relationship, rocking social life or new career, you need to take the time to dream them into existence.
And when the going gets tough which it invariably will at times, (take right now for eg.) take a look at your visonboard/s, they will help you, they will really help you return to that excitement and joy you felt bringing your visions to life and more than that, they will INSPIRE you I promise.
They will keep that little flame alive in you to keep going and know you can have what you wish for
What you need:
A large sheet of card
scissors and glue
What you need to do:
Simply flick through the magazines and cut out whatever appeals to you - words, phrases, pictures then compile them on your card.
I've attached some of mine to show you. They took me about a week to complete gradually adding to them in my free time. Some were more personal about how I wanted to feel, others were more about travel and home and still others more meditative and spiritual in context.
I hope you find as much joy and satisfaction as I did and when you look at them in the future, you'll feel the freedom, contentment and peace that comes with knowing you can have whatever you want when you put your mind to it, you just have to trust and believe and let go of how your dreams will unfold.
Any time you look at them, notice which image or word or phrase you're drawn to and let it or them light you up for the day and inspire you.
You have the right to a rich and beautiful life. Don't let anyone else ever tell you any different
The journey isn't necessarily a straight line, in fact it definitely isn't but don't let that stop you from reaching for the stars.
Much love and big hugs
Sophie xox
p.s. if you can't face the hassle of making a vision board, why not check out and create one just for you right there.
p.p.s. in my next email I'm going to drill down into how to get a handle on your habits so you can feel really good about yourself and reach your goals. Picturing your goals such as weight loss and fitness within your bigger dreams will help you keep on track so making a vision board is a good first step.
Complete this sentence, who will I become when I've lost this weight or have more energy or feel fitter or .....( whatever your goal is)? And see how it fits into your vision/s for yourself for the future. for eg; maybe you'll feel more confident and book that trip of a lifetime or go for that job promotion.