Top tips to get clear on what you want without attaching to the outcome
Do you feel overwhelmed, fatigued and run-down?
Do you long to feel differently about your body, your job, your relationships?
Have you ever actually sat down and visualised how you want your life to be?
If you want to lose weight, how much weight do you want to lose or even better, what size do you want to be and what will being that size give you? Will it give you more confidence, more energy, more opportunity to try new things?
Be specific.
Do you want to have more energy and motivation?
What would it give you? What would that look like? Would you organise more fun times with your girlfriends? Would you try a new hobby or sport? Would you go for that job promotion?
Do you feel depressed, lonely, isolated? Do you long for someone special in your life to support you, encourage you, share activities with?
We have to get clear on what we want without creating stories in our heads about how we're going to get there.
Tip: Don't get tied up about how you're going to get there. In other words, don't attach to the outcome.
Make a decision!
What is most important to you right now? Which area of your life - your health, your career, your relationship, your community is most important to you?
When you have decided what it is, think of 3 things it will give you
Create an image in your mind that represents how you'll feel when you've achieved it and stick it on your fridge or on your phone. Look at it once a day and don't worry about how you're gonna get there.
I make 2 lists ( suggested by, one is my to-do list and one is the Universe's to-do list. I put the big ones in the latter.
Sounds so easy and this part is in a way.
What's difficult is the voice inside your head that questions you. You can't have that. Don't be so demanding. Turning your dreams into reality is not that easy? etc.etc.
Hello, Inner critic - trying to keep me safe are you but I've found another way (Inner coach) and I'm going to ignore your limiting thoughts and encourage myself.
Then the next bit..
We discover what our dreams are but they don't manifest quick enough and even worse, there appear to be some obstacles in the way. A colleague at work has applied for the same role. Or I don't have enough energy, how on earth am I going to get to the gym? Or this great guy likes me but he's going through a divorce and it's messy.
Very often when we identify and get clear about what we want, blocks show up either in ourselves with our inner critic or in the external world and this kinda shows us where we're at vibrationally.
We need to acknowledge our blocks not judge them to be able to move forward. There's no point in trying to push them down or avoid them.
They are our teachers. They show us the 'work' we need to do to realise our dreams.
If we try to circumvent them, we won't learn the valuable lesson they are teaching us to prepare us for the next step towards our goal. Life is about the journey not the destination.
It doesn't mean you shouldn't have dreams and aspirations and that you won't get there but as with everything, there is a process.
This is where it may be useful to get outside support to help you do this and also to see them as bumps in the road that need to be overcome to create our best life.
And by best life, I don't mean perfect ok. That's not what life's about. Challenges are necessary for growth.
So if you want to feel energised, healthy and motivated, it might be time to do some inner work.
This lays the groundwork, the solid foundation from which you can change your diet if you want more energy, join a new group to extend your social life or connect in the community, have the courage to change career or go for that job promotion or invite someone on a date.
If you're living in alignment with your authentic self, it's not difficult to develop and maintain healthy habits like eating well, exercising, practising self-compassion and loving kindness towards others.
Faddy diets go out the window and lifelong successful habits become par for the course.
So are you ready? Click on this link to schedule a chat. This is your time!
xox Sophie