Are you struggling to meditate? Try this..

Over the past year as part of my peri-menopausal journey I've wanted to go
'into the woods' (do read my blog about it here) more often than I wanted to be 'out there' in the world.  What's come from it is a fierce desire to commit everyday to connect within.  

And so I deepened my meditation practice following 2 pieces of advice from a colleague.  1.  Practice morning and evening for 30 minutes and 2.  Focus on your 3rd eye.  I struggled and definitely didn't manage the evening one but what came out of it was something a bit different.  If you're interested to know more read on or by all means head over to
my youtube channel and have a taster.

My version

  • Deepen  your breath into your belly and let the exhale drop out (do contact local Breathworker Paul Torode for expert guidance)


  • Imagine roots growing out of the base of your spine and feet pushing deep into the core centre of the earth.  Then draw its energy up through your feet through the whole of your body and out of the top of your head like a fountain back on the earth.


  • Visualise sunlight dropping into the top of your head like liquid gold flowing through to the tips of your fingers and toes gently allowing this universal energy and the earth energy to circulate and finally settle in the heartspace.


  • Getting quiet again and deepening your breath, allow yourself to be guided by thought or sensation to wherever you're drawn to.  Often it's one of my chakras, usually my 3rd eye or solar plexus.  Perhaps you may be drawn to an area that feels uncomfortable.  Often we shy away from discomfort - I invite you to do the opposite and give that area your undivided attention. Perhaps ask it what it needs or you can be more general and ask 'what do I need?'  The answer may not come straightaway.  Don't attach to it.  Let it come when it's ready.

You may find yourself naturally deepening your breath at different moments.  This helps to release and relax you.  Often I will rub my hands together and place them wherever I feel called to place them.  Remember we all have healing hands and if you're trained in Reiki then this is a great time to Reiki yourself.  Even if you're not, it doesn't matter, you still have healing energy.


If you struggle with traditional meditation, my method is a great way to start and perhaps help towards a longer deeper meditative experience down the road

Why do it?

My personal experience of Meditation is the benefit of being connected to myself which means I feel brighter, calmer, more uplifted and more resilient.  I am able to accept my limitations more readily and that of others which makes for a more balanced state of mind.

A daily meditation practice can set you up for the day switching on your parasympathetic nervous system to make the most of your time here on this planet right now, I mean living in the moment, able to enjoy more moments of simple reverie and still be time-efficient and productive.

It can induce feelings of peace or be energising depending on what you need. Being more fully connected to yourself enables you to step upon the earth with a lighter foot, to feel ok about yourself and the world despite its troubles, to know when to step in or step away feeling centred and balanced so you’re not wasting your energy and getting drained.

I highly recommend it!

If you'd like to try my meditation out and perhaps join my series, head over to
my youtube channel  and subscribe (it's free!!) or if you prefer get in touch to be added to my WhatsApp group.  Messaging is turned off so you just receive my daily message and video and of course, you're welcome to message me privately.

Sending you a huge hug in support of your health and wellbeing,

Sophie xox