Finding The Natural Balance of Menopause with Coach & author Henny Flynn

Are you struggling to cope with your peri-menopause and keen to embrace a natural approach?

 Recently I was a guest on the Henny Flynn podcast, also author of The Compassionate Menopause facebook group.   As a guest on her podcast, I talk deeply, completely and openly about my personal experience with Menopause.

With searing honesty I reference some of my more difficult childhood and adult life experiences and my extraordinary journey into Naturopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine with the Great Barbara Wren (Naturopath) now in her 80’s.  

Her philosophy unlocks not only the secrets of whole health but how we are inextricably tied to the rhythms of the universe via its seasons, lunar cycles and more and that our health is underpinned by our ability to dance in tune with these rhythms.

That Menopause is far more than hormonal change, it’s an invitation to connect deeply with ourselves at a cellular level, the level from which our hormones are made and balanced. 

To slough off the parts of our past that don't serve us, both physical and emotional and invite a different experience into our lives. To heal and balance through compassion, self-love, surrender, acceptance as well as cleaning up what we eat and more to do this..

This episode is a must-listen to help you navigate your menopausal journey.

You can listen to the podcast here.
Prefer to watch us on youtube?  Click on this link.

Big hug
Sophie xx

p.s. BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS from our conversation:
The Surrender Experiment & The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer 
Cellular Awakening & Our Return to the Light by Barbara Wren 
Beyond Mars and Venus by John Gray 
The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton